Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Maytas gets AP fundsFebruary 4th, 2009

Feb. 3: After making a few noises, the state government has sanctioned payment of Rs 117 crore to the Satyam scam-tainted Maytas and its joint venture partners to begin work on two projects.
In the wake of the scam, the government had said it was going to ask other joint venture partners to take up the Maytas’ share to complete many major projects.
Instead, it has tried to get support of the other companies in favour of Maytas and has released the money even before the Satyam affiliate has been cleared by investigators.
In the backdrop of serious allegations that Satyam funds had been diverted illegally to Maytas, the government had asked the chief secretary, Mr P. Ramakanth Reddy to review the Maytas’ projects.
The chief secretary cleared the projects stating that no deviation was observed while granting the contracts.

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